It’s a cat and mouse story

Why do people keep cats?
Our cat is lovely – she is very cute, plays like a kitten, does things that make us laugh and knows EXACTLY how to leap in the air, curl up in a ball, wash her whiskers and play peepo – in just the right way to demonstrate her utter gorgeousness and her right to make us her slaves…..
the harvest mites and Other Biting Things Which Shall Not Be Named ignore the treatments she has been given and migrate to me (lost count of the bites and NOT adding up the cost of treatments to cleanse cat and house AND I hope you note that it is I who suffer: OV – not a munch!)
And then, to cap it all, she was mucking about outside late last night and when I went to call her in she dashed past me as if all the hounds of the proverbial were behind her, shot into OV’s study and behind his desk. Suspicion aroused, I withdrew to the sitting room and so I did not witness with my eyes (only my ears) the subsequent one-sided conversation between OV and said feline.
“Are you on your own?”
“No you’re not!”
“Are you?”
“No!” (Then to me: “Are the doors shut u-p-s-t-a-i-r-s? How many are o-p-e-n?” – words stretched by rapid charge up said staircase in pursuit of said feline – Me: “Loads”)
Sound of slamming doors and scrabbling cat, punctuated by thudding feet of OV.
Muted sounds from above.
OV thumps down the stairs, scrabbles about in the kitchen and pops his head round sitting room door, holding a sandwich box in his hand.
“She ran straight into Simon’s room and dropped the mouse in there. It’s disappeared down the hole where the radiator pipes come through.”
Me, thoughtfully: “Oh dear.” (Thinking ‘It could get anywhere down there – any room it likes. Oh drat.’)
So, Sherpa stood guard on the hole for the rest of the evening. Then this morning she went straight back there as soon as she was allowed through the kitchen door. She’s now gone out, leaving the scene of the crime with a certain amount of disgust.
So, like I said, why do people keep cats? It sure isn’t in order to keep the house free from mice – this one was brought in BY the cat!
And there’s just one wee problem I’m not sure how to solve – Simon’s room is my writing room – how on earth am I supposed to concentrate on creative writing, with a permanent image of a stealthy mouse creeping out behind me?
I’ll give it some thought just as soon as I find the antihistamine cream and deal with a different sort of irritation!

About apthomas

I love books, reading, writing, baking, chocolate, painting, sewing, people and fairtrade - not necessarily in that order. I am a lazy gardener - who loves the garden, and a lazy housewife who likes the place to be warm and welcoming. I live in beautiful Somerset - but have had to leave the countryside at a little distance, having moved into town.
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4 Responses to It’s a cat and mouse story

  1. Simon T says:

    Awww… I can forgive her much, but if she makes a habit of scattering mice through my room, with the potential to munch on my books, then I will be Seriously Displeased with her…

  2. Susan in TX says:

    I’m cringing at the thought. Not having a cat, we had to put poison in our garage to try and get rid of a mouse last year that wouldn’t just lay down in a trap for us. Just about the time I was worried he would die in the garage in a place where we wouldn’t be able to find him, we opened the front door one day to find him dead on the doorstep! Apparently, he didn’t want to die alone. 🙂

  3. Val says:

    Can’t they be stinkers !!!!
    we have 4 and i HAD TO CATCH THE MOUSE HIDING IN THE KITCHEN )SORRY CAP LOcks on by mistake)

  4. apthomas says:

    Val. Rampant mice are enough to keep anyone’s cap locks on! (preferably from a chair!)

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